Pléiade Investissement is an “evergreen” investment company, made up of entrepreneurs who accompany business projects in the long term. Pléiade Investissement does not raise funds from third parties, but instead invests its own equity, is associated with a management team in an open time horizon, and provides proximity accompaniment services. Committing to a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach is an extension of our long-term vision and the active support provided by Pléiade Investissement. It has become essential that we integrate social and environmental matters into how our company operates.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria make the approach possible, taking into account sustainable development and the importance of the long term in corporate strategy. These criteria are based on three fundamental pillars, and they comprise the impact of a business’ activity on society using a general approach.
THE ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERION analyzes the way waste is processed, the initiatives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, and the prevention of environmental risks
THE SOCIAL AND HUMAN CRITERION takes into account the prevention of accidents and psychosocial risks, training of teams, respect, employee loyalty and progress, and quality in social dialog.
THE GOVERNANCE CRITERION measures the independence of the control organization (e.g. the board of directors), the distribution between men and women in key posts, the transparency of information, and the fight against corruption.
This charter presents the way in which Pléiade Investissement integrates ESG (environment, social and governance) criteria as much into its investment practices as into its own management.

When searching for new opportunities, Pléiade Investissement excludes all sectors with a negative impact on the environment or that are in contravention of international standards or conventions.
The impact of the company’s funding on the environment and the actions to preserve the environment are monitored by Pléiade Investissement.
Pléiade Investissement encourages good environmental practices: waste sorting, paper recycling, optimizing consumption of resources, etc.

Pléiade Investissement excludes from its investments all businesses associated with pornography, the manufacture or sale of weapons, gambling or tobacco, or the exploitation of children or forced labor.
Pléiade Investissement identifies the stakes associated with the management of human resources and raises the awareness of the companies it funds so that they respond to them.
When personnel are hired or leave, along with workplace accidents, are the subject of monitoring by Pléiade Investissement, which then encourages its directors with a view to continuous improvement.
Pléiade Investissement encourages risk sharing in capital and the creation of value with management.

Pléiade Investissement makes sure that the composition of the boards of directors and executive committees of the companies it funds are in coherence with the activity of the company.
Pléiade Investissement makes sure that it respects the laws, conventions and regulations that apply to it, and that the companies it funds do too.
Any companies that have been sanctioned for corruption, non-conformity, misappropriation of public funds, money laundering, insider trading, or disloyal or anti-competitive behavior are ruled out as possible investment opportunities for Pléiade Investissement.
Pléiade Investissement is a member of France Invest and a signatory of the investors’ charter of commitment for growth. In this way, Pléiade Investissement recognizes that the investment choices it makes and the exercise of its responsibility as a shareholder “contribute to forming France’s economic fabric and its development”, all while adopting “management that is attentive to its human and environmental capital”.
Pléiade Investissement applies the commitments mentioned above to all its investments. For the companies it funds, Pléiade Investissement also makes sure that these commitments are monitored, by requesting that the companies in its portfolio report on their progress in terms of ESG every year. This annual report makes it possible to ensure that there is continuous improvement in the companies it funds, and to define the axes of development and objectives to be attained in the coming years.
François Poirier
Président de Pléiade Investissement